CEN Flashcards
The Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN)® designation is granted to a registered nurse who has demonstrated expertise in emergency nursing by passing a computer-administered examination given by the Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN). The certification exam first became available in July 1980,was accredited by ABSNC in February 2002, and was reaccredited in 2007 and 2012.The certification is valid for four years, and can be renewed either by passing another examination, by completing 100 continuing education units (CEUs) in the specialty, or by completing an online 150 question "open book exam."
As of 2015, the BCEN has designated over 30,500 active CENs in the United States and Canada.The CEN exam has 175 questions; 150 are used for testing purposes (25 are sample questions). The passing score is 70% and the candidate has three hours to take the exam.The test is administered internationally in Pearson Vue testing centers.